Monday, May 28, 2018

The Real Barrier to Registered Reports

Figure showing a range of problems (in red) that are addressed by Registered Reports
Registered reports (RRs) are a way of doing science where researchers submit their introduction and method sections (including a detailed plan for data collection and analysis) and pilot data (if any), for peer review before they start collecting the actual study data. Authors get feedback from expert reviewers on whether the question is interesting and well-grounded in the literature, and on whether the methods make sense. The reviewers check that the study will have enough power, that the statistical analyses are the right ones to use, and so forth. Sort of like how a grant proposal would be reviewed, if reviewers had the time and expertise to go through all the methods in detail.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

'Tis the season for presenting undergraduate research...

Denise, Justine and Linnea at UROP, presenting their poster on toddlers' understanding of social hierarchies. 

This is the time of year when our students present the work they've been doing in the lab since last fall. Many of our students present at two conferences: The first is the UCI Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) conference, which took place this year on May 19.